It is with a sad hart I have to let you all know that Tommy have passed away, Traveled to another dimension.
Tommy the fearless rider. Doing what you believed in until the end. You loved a good party where you could be the funny guy dancing and flirting. We will never forget how you where flying like a bird over the dance floor bringing laughter and smiles. You loved dressing up for any occasion and
never wanting to grow up. You gave birth to FFF with a bit of help from a hand full of magic. That was the beginning of a new road of learning. Learning take courage and that you had. Censure ship was your enemy with a sharp tung and a bit of help from sex and nudity you had your sord. The last waves was high and rocky and some where you fell off and the wave got you. You are missed by many ! Now you are again dancing with the spirits with a big smile and bringing rain and thunder time to time. RIP Tommy
If you feel to contribute for the funeral cermony you can do by sending money to FuckForForest with a message: Memory of Tommy
Cultura sparbank (pb6800 st.olavs plass N-0130 Oslo)
Account nr; 12542023870
Iban; NO93 1254 2023 870